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Saturn will enter in Shatbisha Nakshatra 15/03/2023

Saturn transit in Shatbhisha Nakshatra, शनि का शतभीषा नक्षत्र में प्रवेश, हो जाये सावधान क्या करे जानिय सब कुछ

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शनि का शतभीषा में प्रवेश saturn enters in Shatbhisha

Saturn will enters in Shatbhisha nakshatra on 15/03/2023 Wednesday at 3:33 AM.

Saturn is a slow-moving planet and its transit through various nakshatras can have a significant impact on different aspects of life. Shatbhisha Nakshatra is the 24th Nakshatra in the Vedic astrology system and is ruled by Rahu (the North Node of the Moon).

When Saturn enters the Shatbhisha Nakshatra, it can bring about certain changes and influences on different aspects of life. Here are some general effects that one can expect during this transit:

  1. Career and Finances: This transit can bring stability and success in career and financial matters. However, it is essential to maintain a practical and disciplined approach towards work and money matters.
  2. Relationships: The transit of Saturn through Shatbhisha Nakshatra can create some tension and conflicts in relationships. However, it is also an opportunity to resolve any long-standing issues and build stronger bonds with loved ones.
  3. Health: This transit can affect the health of some individuals, particularly those with pre-existing health conditions. It is essential to take care of one’s health and follow a healthy lifestyle during this period.
  4. Spirituality: This transit can also bring about a heightened sense of spirituality and an inclination towards meditation and self-reflection.

However, it is important to note that the exact impact of Saturn’s transit through Shatbhisha Nakshatra can vary depending on an individual’s birth chart and other astrological factors. Therefore, it is advisable to consult a qualified astrologer for a more personalized analysis.

Which Zodiac should take care and keep attention

All zodiac signs should take care during Saturn’s transit through Shatbhisha Nakshatra, as it can have an impact on different areas of life for everyone. However, some zodiac signs may experience a more significant impact than others, depending on their individual birth chart and other astrological factors.

As a general rule, individuals with their Moon sign or Ascendant in Aquarius (which is ruled by Saturn) or with significant placements in Aquarius in their birth chart may feel the effects of this transit more strongly. Nakshatra belongs to Mercury like Ashlesha, Jyeshtha and Revati will suffer most. However, this does not mean that individuals of other zodiac signs should not be cautious and take care during this period. It is always important to maintain a balanced and mindful approach towards life, particularly during significant astrological transits like this one.

Remedies and Precautions

In Vedic astrology, there are various remedies that one can follow to minimize the negative effects of Saturn’s transit through Shatbhisha Nakshatra. Here are some general remedies that are believed to be effective:

  1. Chanting Mantras: Chanting mantras dedicated to Lord Shani (Saturn) can help reduce the negative impact of Saturn’s transit. The most commonly recited mantra is “Om Sham Shanaiscarya Namaha.”
  2. Fasting: Observing fasts on Saturdays (the day ruled by Saturn) can help reduce the malefic effects of Saturn’s transit. You can also avoid consuming non-vegetarian food and alcohol during this period.
  3. Donation and Charity: Donating to charity or helping those in need can help reduce the negative effects of Saturn’s transit. Donating items such as black sesame seeds, iron, or black cloth is considered beneficial during this period.
  4. Yantra and Gemstones: Wearing a Saturn Yantra or gemstones such as Blue Sapphire or Amethyst can help alleviate the negative effects of Saturn’s transit.
  5. Meditation and Yoga: Practicing meditation and yoga can help reduce stress and anxiety caused by Saturn’s transit, and promote overall well-being.

It is important to note that these remedies are not a substitute for seeking professional help or medical advice. It is always advisable to consult a learned astrologer for a personalized analysis of your birth chart and the impact of Saturn’s transit through Shatbhisha Nakshatra

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Venus changes its Rashi from Meen to Mesha from 12/03/2023

शुक्र अपनी उच्च की राशि मीन को छोड़कर मेश राशि जो मंगल की राशि है उसमे प्रवेश कर चुका है ।

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Venus changes it’s Rashu

From 12/03/2023, #Venus changes its #Sign from its #exalted #rashi #meen to #mars rashi #mesh with #Rahu and with #saturn 3rd aspect , so be careful with your relationship.
May attract towards Extra marital affair be cautious .

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Vimshottari Dasha System

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Vimshottari Dasha System:-

In astrology there are major life changes based on the Dasha Systems which is called as Vishmottari Dasha, Antar Dasha, Pratyantar Dasha. Vimshottari dasha starts as per your birth moon nakshatra. There are specific time limits for the Vimshottari Dasha. Here are the details of Vishmotari Dasha periods for all the planets:

1. Sun (Surya) Vishmotari Dasha – 6 years

2. Moon (Chandra) Vishmotari Dasha – 10 years

3. Mars (Mangal) Vishmotari Dasha – 7 years

4. Rahu Vishmotari Dasha – 18 years

5. Jupiter (Guru) Vishmotari Dasha – 16 years

6. Saturn (Shani) Vishmotari Dasha – 19 years

7. Mercury (Budh) Vishmotari Dasha – 17 years

8. Ketu Vishmotari Dasha – 7 years

9. Venus (Shukra) Vishmotari Dasha – 20 years

During each Vimshottari Dasha period, the planet in question is believed to have a dominant influence on the individual’s life and the events that occur during that period. The sub-periods or Antar dasha within each main dasha are also ruled by different planets and their duration varies according to the planet in question. It is important to note that the effects of Vimshottari Dasha may be modified by the placement of planets in the individual’s birth chart, and other astrological factors.

Whenever any dasha system changes in anyone’s life the person feel specific changes for example if your lagna is Tula means the lagna lord is Venus and your moon nakshatra at the time of birth was chitra means the Mars nakshatra then the dasha will start from Mars , the years of mars dasha will depend on which pada of nakshatra you born . After that Rahu dasha will run for 18 years and as soon as the dasha changes from mars to Rahu you feel changes according to Planet Rahu placement in your birth chart.

It is the past life karma based on that any person find the benefic dash system like in our example of Tula, the lord will be venus and if you fund the venus dasha in your carrer peak time like from 20–40 age then you achieve all the luxuries, marriage, child and will settle perfectly but if you find this dasha at the age of 80 or at the age of 5 then no use of this golden period in your life.

Based on the Vimshottari dasha system anyone can align the planets according to the placement in their birth chart and can take maximum benefits from that planets and can remove the ill effects of that planets with the help of karma alignment for example if your 2nd house which is of wealth denote the 8th house which is of misery, death, sorrow then if you know nothing then you will feel the symptoms as stated above in earning money but if you align your karma according to planets placement like from 8 house it also denotes that research, experiment, occult, jyotish, medical, software development then in this field that person will earn lots of money so align the planets according to the things they wants.

Astrology can’t change the luck but it can minimise or it can give you power mental boost to face that situation for example if accident is written in your luck then no one can change that but with the help of karma alignment astrologer can give you power to face and where in previous it was written that your one hand will fracture but with the help of astrology only small accident occurs and only scratches occurs.

This is the charisma of astrology thorough which anyone can face the situation easily for example in a operation the doctor gives anaesthesia so that you can bear the cuts smoothly but operation can be done only after cuts which no one can change. This is the charisma of astrology which can give you mental power to face the situation wisely.

For detail analysis and karma alignment consult your astrologer or connect with us Home – Analyst Astro-The Karma Aligner (Home – Analyst Astro-The Karma Aligner)

Jai Sri Ram



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“Unlocking Your Future with Needle Chart Astrology: The Fascinating Divination Method You Need to Try in 2023!”

Needle chart astrology, also known as “sewing chart astrology,” is a form of divination that involves analyzing the needle patterns in a sewing or knitting project. The idea is that the needles create a unique pattern that can be interpreted to reveal information about the individual who created the project and their future. In 2023 needle chart astrology will be practiced by those who believe in its power. Practitioners may examine the color and type of thread used, the number and placement of stitches, and the project’s overall design to gain insight into the individual’s personality, emotions, and future prospects. While needle chart astrology is not a widely recognized form of divination, it can be a fun and interesting way to explore the mysteries of the universe. Some people find that the act of creating a sewing or knitting project can be therapeutic and meditative, and the added layer of divination can make it even more meaningful. As with any form of divination, it’s important to approach needle chart astrology with an open mind and a healthy dose of skepticism. However It is not a scientifically proven method of predicting the future, it can be a fun and creative way to connect with the universe and explore one’s intuition and creativity. However, it’s important to note that the interpretations of needle chart astrology can vary widely depending on the practitioner and their experience. Therefore, finding a trusted and experienced practitioner to provide accurate readings is crucial. Additionally, it’s worth noting that while needle chart astrology may provide insight into the future, it should never be used as a substitute for professional advice or guidance. It’s important to approach this form of divination with a balanced and rational mindset. In conclusion, needle chart astrology can be a fun and interesting way to explore the mysteries of the universe and gain insight into oneself. While it may not be a scientifically proven method of divination, it can still provide a unique perspective on life and the future. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced practitioner, it’s important to approach needle chart astrology with an open mind and a healthy dose of skepticism and to use it in conjunction with other forms of guidance and advice. Furthermore, it’s important to remember that astrology and divination are not intended to control or dictate one’s life, but rather to provide guidance and insight. Ultimately, it’s up to the individual to make their own decisions and choices. In 2023, as in previous years, needle chart astrology will continue to be practiced by those who are drawn to its unique methodology. Whether used for personal reflection or as a tool for divination, this form of astrology can provide an interesting and creative way to connect with the universe and explore one’s intuition. As with any form of divination or spiritual practice, it’s important to approach needle chart astrology with respect and mindfulness. Practitioners should take the time to learn and understand the various symbols, interpretations, and techniques used in this form of astrology, and should also take care to ensure that their readings are done ethically and responsibly.

In summary, needle chart astrology is a fascinating and creative form of divination that has been practiced for centuries. While it may not be for everyone, those drawn to this form of astrology can find it a useful and illuminating tool for exploring the mysteries of the universe and gaining insight into themselves and their future.

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राशियों के कारक तत्व||Karak Tatva of Rashi||

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Vedic Astrology||

In this video you will learn about the karak tatva of Rashis, this is very basic and important video who wants to learn astrology and become successful in astrology carrer or understanding of astrology.

For complete information in simple language watch till the end and please subscribe the video.
Karaktatvaofrashi #astrology #basicsofastrology #learnastrology #vedicastrology #analystastro #astroanalyst #kundli #jyotish #free #how

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त्रिषडाय भावों का राज

3,6 & 11 House Secret in astrology

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त्रिषडाय भावों का राज :-

ज्योतिष के प्राय: सभी ग्रन्थों में तीसरे, छठे एवं ग्यारहवें भाव व् उनके स्वामियों को पाप फलादाय्क माना गया है |
आइये हम गौर करें की इन भावों का हमारे जीवन में क्या महत्व है और क्या त्रिषडाय भावों के स्वामी हमेशा पाप फल्दायक होते हैं |

तृतीय भाव से देखे जाने वाली मुख्य बातें है :
साहस, संचार के साधन, नजदीक की यात्रा, छोटे भाई-बहिन, रचनात्मकता , आयु (अष्टम से अष्टम ), सोशल मीडिया, डाक्यूमेंटेशन आदि

छठे भाव से देखे जाने वाली मुख्य बातें है : ऋण रिपु बीमारिया
प्रतिद्वंदी ,प्रतियोगिता , स्वास्थ्य, कर्जा, नौकरी , संघर्ष क्षमता, मुक़दमे बाजी , लीगल केस , सर्विस

एकादश भाव:
लाभ, इच्छापूर्ति, वैभव, रोग (छठे से छठा), सोशल सर्किल , बड़ा भाई , मित्र
सबसे आदर्श स्थिति है की केंद्र व त्रिकोण में शुभ गृह हों व त्रिषडाय भावों में पाप गृह हो | ऐसा बहुत ही भाग्यशाली कुंडलियों में देखने को मिलता है |

केंद्र और त्रिकोण में शुभ गृह होने से व्यक्ति को बिना संघर्ष के सब कुछ प्राप्त हो जाता है | परन्तु अधिकतर कुंडलियों में केंद्र व त्रिकोण में शुभ व् अशुभ गृह दोनों ही होते है |
जीवन सुख दुःख की एक यात्रा है | परन्तु अनेकों कुंडलियों में केंद्र त्रिकोण में एक भी शुभ गृह नहीं होता | इसे व्यक्तियों का क्या भविष्य होता है | क्या ये व्यक्ति जीवन में कभी सुखी नहीं रह पाते |

यदि त्रिषडाय भावों के कारकत्व पर विचार करेंगें तो यह पायेंगे की जीवन में विपरीत परिस्थियों में आगे बढ़ने के लिए इन भावों की विशेष आवश्यकता है | जिसमें साहस है , रचनात्मकता है , भाई-बहिनों का साथ है (तृतीय भाव), प्रतियोगिता की भावना हो, श्त्राओं का सामना करने की हिम्मत हो (छठा भाव) इसे व्यक्ति संघर्ष से ही सही लाभ, इच्छापूर्ति और वैभव को प्राप्त कर लेते हैं |
यदि केंद्र व त्रिकोण में शुभ गृह न हों तो इसे व्यक्ति के जीवन में अनेक मुसीबतें आती है | इसे में यदि व्यक्ति की कुंडली में त्रिषडाय भावों में पाप गृह नहीं हो तो वह व्यक्ति जीवन में कठिन परिस्थितियों का सामना नहीं कर पाता और अपने भाग्य या भगवान को कोसता रहता है|

परन्तु यदि केंद्र व त्रिकोण में शुभ गृह न हों और त्रिषडाय भावों में पाप गृह हो तो व्यक्ति के जीवन में कोई भी कठिन परिस्थिति आये व्यक्ति घबराता नहीं है और उसका डटकर मुकाबला करता है और एक दिन जरूर कामयाब होता है | इसे व्यक्ति अपने संघर्ष से ही अपने भाग्य का निर्माण करते हैं |

कुंडली में तीसरे भाव में पाप गृह हों वह व्यक्ति साहसी होता है और बहुत देर तक बिना थके काम कर सकता है, बातचीत करने में निपुण होता है और अपने काम में रचनात्मक होता है | इसे व्यक्ति को सफलता ज्ररूर ही मिलती है |

छठे भाव में पाप गृह हों से व्यक्ति में प्रतियोगिता में सफल होने की जिद होती है और वह आसानी से हार नहीं मानता है | वह अपने विरोधियों से लोहा लें की क्षमता रखता है |
छठे भाव से हम कर्ज का भी विचार करते हैं और कर्ज कोई बुरी चीज नहीं है | ऐसे व्यक्ति कर्ज लेकर कोई बड़ा कार्य करने से नहीं घबराते | विपरीत परिस्थितियों में भी संघर्ष के द्वारा सफल होते हैं |

एकादश भाव लाभ और इच्छापूर्ति का भाव है | यहं प्रया: सभी गृह अच्छा फला देते है | परन्तु राहु जैसे पाप गृह यहाँ पर विशे फल देते हैं | यहं पाप गृह होने से व्यक्ति में आगे बढ़ने की चाहत होती है औउर खा गया है कि “जहाँ चाह वहां राह ” |

कुंडली में कभी भी पाप ग्रहों की दश महादशा से घबराने की आवश्यकता नहीं है | इसे ऐसा माने कि इश्वर आपकी कठिन परीक्षा लेना चाहता है | ध्यानं दें की जो छात्र आईएएस पीसीएस, आईआईटी, नीट इत्यादि जैसी कठिन परीक्षा पास करते हैं वे जीवन में बुलंदियों को प्राप्त करते हैं | इन कठिन परीक्षाओं को पास करने में त्रिषडाय भावों की विशेष भूमिका होती है |

Secret of Trishaday houses: –

Astrology is often considered the third, sixth and eleventh expressions of all texts, their owners have been considered as sin falsities |

Let us see what these expressions of importance have in our lives and whether the masters of trident expressions are always sinful |

The main things to be seen in the third house are :

Courage, means of communication, travel nearby, younger brother-in-law, creativity, age ( VIII to VIII ), social media, documentation etc

The main things to be seen in the sixth sense are: debt repu sickia

Opponent, Competition, Health, Karja, Job, Conflict Capability, Victory, Legal Case, Service

XI expressions:

Profit, euthanasia, splendor, disease ( sixth to sixth ), social circle, elder brother, friend

The most ideal situation is to have a good house in the center and triangle and a sin house in trident expressions | it is seen in very lucky coils |

Having a auspicious house in the center and triangle gives the person everything without struggle | But most of the coils have both auspicious houses in the center and triangle Is |

Life happiness is a journey of sorrow | But there is not a single auspicious house in the center triangle in the clumps | what future does it have of individuals | is this person in life Never be happy |

If you consider the factor of trident expressions, then it is a special requirement of these expressions to move forward in opposite places in the life of the Pygne | which has courage, creativity , Brothers are with ( Third expressions ), have a sense of competition, dare to face the women ( Sixth expressions ) It benefits right from person struggle, Get the will and glory |

If there are no auspicious houses in the center and triangle, then it brings many troubles in the life of the person | If there is no sin house in the trident in the horoscope of the person, then That person cannot face difficult situations in life and curses his destiny or God |

But if there is no auspicious house in the center and triangle and there is a sin house in the trident, then no difficult situation comes in the life of the person, and he will not compete against it Does and one day definitely succeeds | This person makes his fortune only through his struggle |

In the horoscope, there are sin houses in the third sense, that person is courageous and can work without getting tired for a long time, Is adept at interacting and creative in his work | it is a success for the person |

In the sixth sense, sin houses insist on the person succeeding in the competition and does not give up easily | he has the ability to iron out his opponents Is |

In the sixth sense, we also consider debt and debt is not a bad thing. | Such people do not panic about doing any big work by taking debt | conflict even under opposite circumstances Are successful by |

XI is a sense of profit and euthanasia | here: All houses make good flourish | But sin houses like Rahu give the same fruit here | Being a sin house, one wants to move in person and eat it Is that “ where the road is ” |

There is no need to panic with the Dus Mahadasha of sin planets in the horoscope | consider it as if God wants to take your hard test | Note that the student IAS PCS, They pass difficult exams like IIT, Neat etc. They get highs in life | Trishaday expressions have a special role in passing these difficult exams |

trishaday #kundli #astrology #Astrologer

#trishaday #kundli #astrology #Astrologer #analystastro #astroanalyst

🙏जय श्री राम 🙏

Basic’s of Astrology||ज्योतिष सीखे


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Kundli Kaise Dekhe? How to see your kundli?

कुंडली कैसे देखें और कैसे जाने अपने भविष्य के बारे में । देखिए इस वीडियो को अंत तक और जानिए संपूर्ण जानकारी आसान और संझिप्त शब्दों में :-

कुंडली कैसे देखें || How to read Kundli


Basic’s of Astrology

Basic’s of Astrology


In this video you will learn about the Basics of the Astrology, Planets, nakshatras and it’s characteristics, so for complete information watch till the end of this video.

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Aapka Apna

🙏जय श्री राम 🙏



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Basic's of Astrology||ज्योतिष सीखे
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ज्योतिष से भाग्य को कैसे चमकायें How to boost luck using Astrology

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Astrological Tips to boost your Luck

अगर आपकी किस्‍मत साथ नहीं दे रही तो आप कुछ दिन इन उपायों को आजमाकर देखे आप को कुछ दिनों के अंदर ही फ़र्क़ महसूस होना दिखाई देगा। If your luck is not supporting you, try these remedies for a few days and you will see the difference within a few days.

भाग्‍य क्या होता है ? – कुछ लोगों का मानना है कि मेहनत से जिंदगी में सब कुछ हासिल किया जा सकता है। What is luck? Some people believe that everything can be achieved in life with hard work.

अब वैसे तो ये बात सच है , लेकिन पूरी तरह से सत्‍य नहीं है।जीवन में सफलता पाने के लिए मेहनत एवं परिश्रम के साथ-साथ किस्‍मत का साथ होना भी बहुत जरूरी होता है। कई बार लोगों को मेहनत करने और बार-बार प्रयास करने के बावजूद सफलता नहीं मिल पाती है और इसका कारण होता है भाग्‍य का साथ ना मिल पाना। बहुत कुछ आपके गृहों और आपकी दशा पर निर्भर करता है । Now this thing is true, but it is not completely true. Along with hard work and hard work, luck is also very important to get success in life. Many times people do not get success despite working hard and trying again and again and the reason for this is that luck is not on their side. A lot depends on your houses and your condition बहुत लोगो की कुण्डली में राजयोग होता है लेकिन उनकी ग्रहों की दशा ऐसी होती है की उनको अपने राजयोग के गृह की दशा नहीं मिल पाती।तो फिर गृह उनको उसके प्रत्यंतर दशा में कुछ लाभ देने की कोशिश करेगा। Many people have Raja Yoga in their Kundli, but their planetary positions are such that they do not get the Dasha of the house of their Raja Yoga. Then the house will try to give them some benefits in its Pratyantar Dasha.

अब कुछ लोग के गृह ऐसे होते है कि उनका जो लग्नेश होता है उनको उसके शत्रु गृह की दशा में ही अपनी ज़िंदगी का महत्वपूर्ण भाग बिताना पड़ता है। जैसी किसी का लग्नेश सिंह है अब उसको शनि की दशा में तो कष्ट उठाना ही पड़ेगा तो अब अगर यही शनि की दशा उसके ज़िंदगी के महत्वपूर्ण भाग जैसे की 25-45 वर्ष में अगर यही दशा पड़ जाये तो उसे भरपूर मेहनत के बाद ही कुछ सफलता मिलेगी Now some people’s houses are such that their ascendant lord has to spend a significant part of their life in the dasha of its enemy house. As someone’s Lagnesh is Leo, now he will have to suffer in the dasha of Shani, so now if this dasha of Shani is an important part of his life, for example, in 25-45 years, if this dasha falls, then he will get some success only after a lot of hard work. will get अब ऐसे ही लोग आपको हर समय ये कहते हुए मिल जाएँगे की हमे तो क़िस्मत का साथ नहीं मिलता बस मेहनत ही मेहनत करनी पड़ती है तो इसमें आपकी क़िस्मत का कोई क़सूर नहीं है ये सब आपके पूर्व जन्म के कर्मों का फल है जिन्हें आपको इस जन्म में भोगना ही है । बस अगर किसी अच्छे गुरु या किसी अच्छे एस्ट्रोलोजर का साथ आपको मिल गया तो आप की राहे आसान हो जायेंगी सफ़र काटने में । Now you will find such people all the time saying that we do not get the support of luck, only hard work has to be done, so there is no fault of your luck in this. I have to suffer. Just if you get the support of a good guru or a good astrologer, then your path will become easy to travel.

तो अगर आपको मेहनत करने के बाद भी सफलता नहीं मिल पा रही है तो आपको देखना चाहिए कि कहीं आपका भाग्‍येश तो कमजोर नहीं है। ज्‍योतिषशास्‍त्र में भाग्‍येश उस स्‍थान को कहा जाता है जो भाग्‍य के स्‍थान यानि कुंडली के नवम भाव में मौजूद राशि का स्‍वामी ग्रह होता है। So if you are not getting success even after working hard, then you should see if your luck is not weak. In astrology, Bhagyesh is called the place which is the lord of the sign present in the place of luck i.e. the ninth house of the horoscope.

अगर किसी जातक की कुंडली के नवम भाव में वृष या तुला राशि है तो उसका भाग्‍येश शुक्र होगा। आप अपने भाग्‍येश को मजबूत करने के लिए कुछ उपाय कर सकते हैं। If a person has Taurus or Libra in the ninth house of his horoscope, then his fortune will be Venus. You can take some measures to strengthen your luck.

शुक्र भाग्‍येश होकर अशुभ फल दे रहा हो Venus is giving inauspicious results due to luck

यदि कुंडली के नवम भाव में तुला या वृषभ राशि है तो आपका भाग्‍येश शुक्र होगा। वहीं अगर शुक्र भाग्‍येश के स्‍थान पर बैठकर शुभ फल नहीं दे पा रहा है तो आपको मां लक्ष्‍मी की उपासना करनी चाहिए। रोज़ मां लक्ष्‍मी की आरती करें और शुक्रवार के दिन खीर का भोग लगाएं। If there is Libra or Taurus in the ninth house of the horoscope, then your fortune will be Venus. On the other hand, if Venus is not able to give auspicious results by sitting in place of Bhagyesh, then you should worship Maa Lakshmi. Perform aarti of Maa Lakshmi everyday and offer kheer on Fridays.

महिलाओं का सम्मान करे और किसी कन्या को सफ़ेद रंग के वस्त्रों का दान अगर कर सके तो अच्छे परिणाम देगा । Respect women and if you can donate white clothes to a girl, it will give good results.

बुध की स्थिति खराब हो bad position of mercury

अगर आपकी कुंडली में बुध भाग्‍येश होकर आपको अच्‍छा फल नहीं दे पा रहा है तो आपको रोज़ भगवान गणेश की पूजा करनी चाहिए। बुध ग्रह का स्‍वामी भगवान गणेश हैं और इसलिए इस ग्रह को मजबूत करने के लिए भगवान गणेश की पूजा की जाती है। बुधवार के दिन गाय को हरे रंग का चारा खिलाएं और तांबे का कड़ा धारण करें। बुध मंत्र का जाप भी शुभ परिणाम देगा । If Mercury in your horoscope is not giving you good results due to luck, then you should worship Lord Ganesha daily. Lord Ganesha is the lord of the planet Mercury and hence Lord Ganesha is worshiped to strengthen this planet. Feed green fodder to the cow on Wednesday and wear a copper bangle. Chanting of Budh Mantra will also give auspicious results.

भाग्‍येश में चंद्रमा अशुभ हो inauspicious moon

जन्‍मकुंडली में भाग्‍येश के स्‍थान पर चंद्रमा बैठा हो और अशुभ फल दे रहा तो आपको सोमवार के दिन भगवान शिव की पूजा करनी चाहिए। चांदी के गिलास में पानी पीने से लाभ होता है। If the Moon is sitting at the place of Bhagyesh in the horoscope and is giving inauspicious results, then you should worship Lord Shiva on Monday. Drinking water in a silver glass is beneficial.

ओम नमः शिवाय का जाप करे और शिवलिंग में दूध या जल चढ़ायें। Chant Om Namah Shivay and offer milk or water to the Shivling.

बृहस्‍पति हो कमजोर Jupiter is weak

भाग्‍येश में बृहस्‍पति कमजोर हो और इस वजह से आपको भाग्‍य का साथ नहीं मिल पा रहा हो तो आपको भगवान विष्‍णु को प्रसन्‍न करना चाहिए। केसर या हल्‍दी का तिलक लगाकर घर से निकलें। विष्णु सहस्त्रानाम सुने If Jupiter is weak in Bhagyesh and because of this you are unable to get the support of luck, then you should please Lord Vishnu. Leave the house by applying saffron or turmeric tilak. Listen to Vishnu Sahastranam

मंगल की वजह से हो रहा हो अमंगल Inauspicious things are happening because of Mars.

मंगल की अशुभ स्थिति के कारण भी भाग्‍य का साथ नहीं मिल पाता है। ऐसे में आपको मंगलवार के दिन हनुमान जी की पूजा करनी चाहिए। सुंदरकांड और हनुमान चालीसा का पाठ करें। Due to the inauspicious position of Mars, luck is not on your side. In such a situation, you should worship Hanuman ji on Tuesday. Recite Sunderkand and Hanuman Chalisa.

मंगल का सबसे अच्छा उपाय है आप नियमित अंतराल में ब्लड डोनेशन करते रहे और नियमित व्यायाम या खेल कूद में संलग्न रहे ।The best remedy for Mars is that you keep donating blood at regular intervals and engage in regular exercise or sports.

शनि दे रहा हो अशुभ फल Shani is giving inauspicious results

अगर शनि देव नाराज़ हो जाएं तो आप खुद ही समझ सकते हैं कि आपके जीवन में हर समय परेशानियां ही होंगीं। शनि देव को प्रसन्‍न करने के लिए जितना हो सके काले और नीले रंग के वस्‍त्रों और चीज़ों का प्रयोग करें। शनिवार के दिन पीपल के पेड़ के नीचे तेल का दीया जलाएं और हनुमान जी की उपासना करें। If Shani Dev gets angry, then you can understand yourself that there will be problems in your life all the time. Use black and blue colored clothes and things as much as possible to please Shani Dev. Light an oil lamp under the Peepal tree on Saturday and worship Hanuman ji. शनि देव न्याय प्रिय गृह है तो इस समय आप कुछ भी ऐसा ना करे जिसमे नियम क़ायदे टूटे जैसे की रोड का सिग्नल तोड़ने , इनकम टैक्स या कोई भी टैक्स ग़लत भरना या कोई भी ऐसा काम जिसमे आपके अधीनस्थ कर्मचारी को कष्ट हो मत करे। नियम क़ायदे का पालन करे Shani Dev is the home of justice, so at this time you should not do anything in which rules and regulations are broken, such as breaking road signals, paying income tax or any tax wrongly, or any such work in which your subordinate employee should suffer. obey the rules

सूर्य का असर रहे अशुभ inauspicious effect of sun

सूर्य देव तो हैं ही सफलता के कारक और अगर ये भाग्‍येश में अशुभ फल दे रहे हैं तो फिर आपको भाग्‍य का साथ मिल ही नहीं सकता है। रोज़ सूर्योदय से लेकर सूर्यास्‍त तक किसी भी समय गायत्री मंत्र का जाप करें। सुबह स्‍नान के बाद तांबे के लोटे से सूर्य को जल चढ़ाएं। पिता जी का सम्मान करे उनके पैर छूके घर से बाहर जाये । रविवार को आदित्य हृदय स्त्रोत का पाठ करे । Sun God is the factor of success and if it is giving inauspicious results in fortune, then you cannot get luck’s support. Chant Gayatri Mantra daily at any time from sunrise to sunset. After taking bath in the morning, offer water to the Sun from a copper vessel. Respect father, touch his feet and go out of the house. Recite Aditya Hridaya Stotra on Sundays.

अगर आपको भाग्‍य का साथ नहीं मिल पा रहा है तो इन उपायों से आप अपनी किस्‍मत को चमका सकते हैं। अपने ईष्ट देव का बीज मंत्र वह गुरु प्रदत मंत्र रोज़ पढ़ने से भी आपको भाग्य का साथ मिल सकता है । If you are not able to get the support of luck, then with these measures you can brighten your luck. You can also get the support of luck by reciting the Beej Mantra of your favorite God and the mantra given by the Guru daily.

उपरोक्त उपाय जनरल या सामान्य उपाय है कुंडली विशेष या जातक विशेष उपाय उसके कुंडली में गृहों की स्थिति और दशा पर निर्भर करेगी इसके लिए किसी योग्य गुरु को पकड़े या आप हमे संपर्क कर सकते है । The above measures are general or general measures, Kundli special or Jatak special measures will depend on the position and condition of the houses in his horoscope, for this hold a qualified Guru or you can contact us.

🙏जय श्री राम 🙏




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