Best Astrology Books

Best Astrology Books According to your Expertise: Unlock the Secrets of the Stars

Best Astrology Books According to Your Expertise: Unlock the Secrets of the Stars

Best Astrology Books
Best Astrology Books according to your expertise


Astrology is an ancient practice that has intrigued and captivated people for centuries. It offers insights into personality traits, relationships, and even future events by interpreting the positions and movements of celestial bodies. Whether you’re a beginner seeking an introduction to astrology or an experienced enthusiast looking to expand your knowledge, this article will guide you through the best astrology books according to different levels of expertise.

Table of Contents

  1. Understanding Astrology Basics 1.1 What is Astrology? 1.2 How Does Astrology Work?
  2. Beginner’s Astrology Books 2.1 “The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need” by Joanna Martine Woolfolk 2.2 “Astrology for Dummies” by Rae Orion
  3. Intermediate Astrology Books 3.1 “The Inner Sky” by Steven Forrest 3.2 “Astrology, Psychology, and the Four Elements” by Stephen Arroyo
  4. Advanced Astrology Books 4.1 “The Astrology of Fate” by Liz Greene 4.2 “The Twelve Houses” by Howard Sasportas
  5. Specialized Astrology Books 5.1 “Astrology and Relationships” by David Pond 5.2 “Medical Astrology: A Guide to Planetary Pathology” by Judith Hill
  6. Conclusion
  7. FAQs

1. Understanding Astrology Basics

1.1 What is Astrology?

Astrology is the belief that there is a correlation between the positions and movements of celestial bodies and events happening on Earth. It is based on the idea that the universe is interconnected, and each planet’s placement at the time of a person’s birth can influence their personality and life path.

1.2 How Does Astrology Work?

Astrology works by analyzing an individual’s birth chart, also known as a horoscope, which is a snapshot of the positions of the planets at the exact moment of their birth. Astrologers interpret these planetary placements to provide insights into various aspects of a person’s life, such as personality traits, career prospects, and relationships.

2. Beginner’s Astrology Books

2.1 “Jyotish Ratnakar, by Devkinandan Singh

As the title suggests, this book serves as an excellent introduction to astrology for beginners. It covers the basics, including zodiac signs, birth charts, and planetary influences. Woolfolk’s writing style is engaging and easy to understand, making it accessible to those new to the subject.

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2.2 “Phalit Sarovar” by  Raghunandan Prasad Gaur

If you prefer a book that breaks down complex concepts into simple terms, “Phalit Sarovar” is a perfect choice. It covers the fundamentals of astrology, including the zodiac signs, planetary influences, and birth charts. The book also provides practical tips for applying astrology to everyday life.

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3. Intermediate Astrology Books

3.1 “Brihat Parashar Hora Shastram in 2-volume, By:-Suresh chandra mishra

“The Inner Sky” delves deeper into astrology, exploring the psychological and spiritual dimensions of the subject. This book is a encyclopedia which covers all astrological insights with personal anecdotes, making it a compelling read for those seeking a more profound understanding of themselves and others.

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3.2 “Bhrigu Samhita” by Dr SuryaKanta Jha

This book bridges the gap between astrology and psychology, exploring how the four elements (fire, earth, air, and water) correspond to different personality traits and psychological patterns. Arroyo’s insightful analysis provides a comprehensive understanding of human behavior and helps readers deepen their astrological interpretations.

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4. Advanced Astrology Books

4.1 “Uttara Kalamrita” by Kalidas

For advanced astrologers seeking a more profound exploration of astrology, “Uttara Kalamrita” is a must-read. it delves into the deeper layers of astrological symbolism and examines the concept of fate and free will. This thought-provoking book challenges traditional perspectives and offers fresh insights into the complexities of astrology. A rare work attributed to Kalidasa. It provides an exhaustive list of the significators of houses and planets. It offers new avenues for the yoga karakas for each lagna and for the solar return charts. There are remarkable guidelines regarding the major and minor periods of Saturn,Venus, Jupiter, Mars and the like. It is a precious work not to be missed. The text is based on Parasara and I aimini and it is substantiated by the author’s 40 years own experience. A rare and invaluable treasure house of astrological lore. The present edition is enriched by the Birth Charts and by the experiences of the translator covering half a century.

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4.2 “Jatakaparijata” in two volume by Gopesh Kumar Ojha

“The Jatak Parijat” is a comprehensive guide to understanding the significance of each astrological house and its influence on different areas of life. It explores the interplay between the planets and the houses, providing invaluable insights into interpreting birth charts. This book is an essential resource for those ready to delve into the intricacies of astrology.

Click to buy it from Amazon:- Part-1 ,    Part-2

5. Specialized Astrology Books

5.1 “Laghu Parashari” by Suresh Chandr Mishr

Laghu Parashari, also known as Jataka Chandrika, is an important treatise on Vimshottari dasha system and is based on Bṛhat Parāśara Horāśāstra. Written in Sanskrit in the usual Sloka format, it consists of forty-two verses divided into five chapters. Thus, it is a brief but an important treatise on predictive part of Hindu astrology whose authorship is not known even though it is presumed that it was written by ardent followers of Parashara. It contains all the fundamental principles on which the Parashari system is based. It is widely relied upon by the exponents of Hindu astrology and a text that is frequently cited.

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5.2 “Phaldeepika (Bhavartha Bodhini)” by Gopesh Kumar Ojha

This is one of the best books on Predictive Astrology. It includes the essence of Parashar, Jaimini and many more masters. Four hundred and fifty Yogas of Bhavartha, Ratnakar of Shri Ramanuja have been added to befit the title Phaldeepika, Bhavartha Bodhini. The 28 chapters in the book cover various topics: the characteristics, house divisions, strength of planets, career, various yogas, raja yogas, marriage, children, longevity, periodic influence of planets, the effect of transits and ashtakvargas. The 11th chapter exclusively deals with the nativity of women. The 22nd chapter gives the interpretations and calculation of the kalachakra dashas. This English edition also includes many horoscopes, tables and a glossary of Sanskrit and Hindi words. The language is easy to understand and even the beginners after studying this book for a few months will be able to arrive at the right interpretations and timing of events.

Click to buy it from Amazon:-


Astrology is a captivating and multidimensional field that offers profound insights into human nature and the interconnectedness of the universe. By exploring the best astrology books according to different levels of expertise, you can deepen your understanding and unlock the secrets of the stars. Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate learner, or advanced astrologer, these books provide invaluable knowledge and guidance for your astrological journey.

Unlock the wisdom of the cosmos, discover your unique astrological path, and uncover the hidden meanings behind the celestial dance.


  1. Q: Can I learn astrology on my own? A: Absolutely! With the right resources and dedication, you can learn astrology independently. Start with beginner-friendly books and gradually expand your knowledge.
  2. Q: Are astrology books useful for professional astrologers? A: Yes, astrology books are beneficial for both beginners and professionals. They offer different perspectives, advanced techniques, and specialized knowledge to deepen your astrological practice.
  3. Q: Can astrology predict the future? A: Astrology provides insights into potential trends and influences but does not predict the future with certainty. It is a tool for self-reflection and understanding rather than a crystal ball.
  4. Q: Are there any online resources for learning astrology? A: Yes, there are numerous websites, forums, and online courses dedicated to astrology. These resources offer a wealth of information, interactive tools, and opportunities for discussions with fellow enthusiasts.
  5. Q: How can I incorporate astrology into my daily life? A: You can incorporate astrology into your daily life by observing planetary transits, reflecting on your birth chart, and exploring astrological themes in your personal relationships, career choices, and self-development.

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